March 9, 2025
How to read nutrition labels and what to look out for in your food

When it comes to maintaining optimal health, one of the most important things to do is to stay informed. Getting age-appropriate screenings for diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure or cancer, for instance, can help you avoid the worst outcomes of either ailment. Understanding vaccination guidelines, the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and learning how much sleep is needed to fully rest and replenish your body each night is also important.

But perhaps the most vital bit of information to stay on top of is keeping track of what’s going into your body. That means paying attention to the ingredients and nutrition labels of the foods you and your family eat. “Learning how to read a nutrition label is important for those who want to increase their self-awareness around what they are consuming, be it for casual or medical reasons,” says Tara Schmidt, lead registered dietitian for the Mayo Clinic Diet.


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