September 7, 2024
Can Cats Eat Mayo? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & Advice
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Mayo is a condiment that can be found in many people’s pantries and refrigerators. While it may add some flavor to food, it’s not a good idea to add to your cat’s food as a meal topping or flavor enhancer. While the basic ingredients aren’t considered toxic to cats, it’s still unhealthy for them. In general, mayo isn’t very nutritious, and it can be very high in fat. So, your cat won’t really benefit from having mayo added to their diet.

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What’s Inside Mayo?

Mayo mainly consists of eggs, oil, and an acid like lemon juice or vinegar. It’s made by emulsifying these ingredients together until they form a creamy texture. By looking at these ingredients, it’s safe to say that basic mayo recipes don’t contain ingredients that are harmful to cats. However, some may have added seasonings, such as garlic or onion, that can be toxic in high enough amounts.

Mayo doesn’t contain any significant nutritional benefits for cats. If anything, its high fat content and calories can end up causing health complications, like weight gain and obesity, for them.

Unfortunately, feline obesity is a common health issue found in cats in the US, with about 60% of domestic cats being overweight 1. Consuming too many calories and fatty snacks plays a role in contributing to excessive weight gain. So, it’s best to stick to a high-quality diet and feed your cat nutritious snacks. Even if your cat likes the taste of mayo, there are plenty of healthier options your cat can enjoy eating, and they can live without it.

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Image Credit: margouillat photo, Shutterstock

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What Should I Do If My Cat Eats Mayo?

If your cat ends up licking up a small amount of mayo, they shouldn’t experience any significant health complications. However, if they eat a large amount, they can get an upset stomach. So, be on the lookout for signs of gastrointestinal upset, such as nausea, licking the lips excessively, vomiting, and diarrhea. Your cat may also have less energy and become lethargic.

Make sure to contact your veterinarian if your cat vomits multiple times in a day or loses their appetite and doesn’t eat for over 48 hours. Refrain from giving your cat any home remedies without receiving consultation from your veterinarian first. This can just end up exacerbating their ailment and make your cat feel worse.

Can Mayo Help With Hairballs in Cats?

Mayo is commonly referred to as a home remedy for hairballs. The belief behind this remedy is that oily foods can act like a laxative that lubricates a cat’s digestive system and helps hairballs to pass. However, introducing oily foods to a cat with digestive issues can end up making them feel worse. So, the best option for a cat suffering from hairballs is to get your veterinarian’s advice.

Your veterinarian can run a full assessment on your cat and see if the use of laxatives is appropriate. They can develop a treatment plan and prescribe any medication if necessary. It’s also helpful to have a veterinary care professional assist you with monitoring and tracking your cat’s health. This will ensure that your cat receives the proper care they need and that appropriate adjustments to their treatment are made accordingly.

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Image Credit: Stock-Asso, Shutterstock

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Mayo doesn’t have any nutritional benefits for cats, and it may not be a safe at-home remedy for hairballs. So, there’s really no need to feed mayo to your cat. Since it doesn’t really contain toxic ingredients, you often don’t have to worry too much if your cat licks up a small amount. Do your best to prevent your cat from eating mayo, especially in large amounts. Feeding them more nutritious snacks and treats can help lower the risk of developing health issues and promote a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Featured Image Credit: HandmadePictures, Shutterstock


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